Thumbnail & Album Information
Good Day..

Don't know if this is a "scraper" question... goes.....

When fetching music album information oft times the AMG database is...well let's say uncooperative, and does not find the album you are seeking...

I've had good luck with pulling up the subject album on AMG and using the "exact" description for that album in the XBMC Get Album Information function.

However, there are some that just defy fetching. An example is Phil Collins "...Hits" album. No combination of things works....even following the exact description the AMG has....'course unless the XBMC discards the leading periods when executing the search string....hmmmnn...but, that doesn't match the output of the AMG search for the same album. I.e. when one searches for that Phil Collins on AMG - no Phil Collins is returned.. And, the discography relays HITS Phil Collins - no leading periods. thinks XBMC is smarter than AMG...or as an illustrious key member of the XBMC development community succinctly relays --"AMG sucks!"'s my question...for this album I downloaded a thumbnail and stuck in the album folder <folder.jpg> and the thumbnail executes fine...however, is there some way to manually download the album information that comes with the thumbnail when one "successfully" negotiates through an AMG hit?



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