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[RELEASE] MediaStream_Redux (My Remake)
Very nice addition, as a new user of XBMC I found it all to easy to get lost in the original MediaStream menus
awesome stuff, thanks!
looks good.

one thing about picture window image wrap. the original would show the thumb (guessing) of the highlited picture, then background load the image. this worked well for picasa plugin.

your version does not do that. it stays on the image that loaded until the new one is finished loading. is this the way the new image loading works?
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
Jezz_X Wrote:If your using a mouse you wont be able to get to them you need a keyboard or a remote

I am not using a mouse, using a remote. I did work out that a blue glowing arrow means a "hidden" menu. So that works. FYI: I am using a CRT so some things on the edge can be difficult to see depending how good you have things setup.

Jezz_X Wrote:As for lyrics its not in the music osd (yet) but you can make a quicklaunch on home for now with skin settings (right of "Configure the system")

Haha... OK, I did not notice the "move right" on the Settings menu, honestly I didn't.

Thanks heaps for that info, it seems like I may be able to do whatever I need in that bit.

Jezz_X Wrote:As for Black backgrounds your XBMC is too old Babylon isn't new enough you need svn versions

Yep ok, I am using 9.04 on Gentoo Linux.
wow, looks great! good to see a redux version. Wink you're such a king.
Thankyou! This is great!
Looks great. Looking very forward to getting off of work and trying this. One thing I was wondering. I see you have fanart for "Fanart in Video Files Mode". Does this also include fanart for music in file mode? If so maybe you can add it to you list of new features. Thanks!
Jezz this is amazing. As much as I love the eye candy of Aeon, it always just didn't feel as "functional" as PM3 or MediaStream. This is the perfect blend of functionality, simplicity and eye candy. Nod Thank you for releasing this, you are truly one talented guy.
Do you want bug reports or is this a take it or leave it type thing?

If so, Ive had this skin exit out of XBMC and return to the desktop for no reason 4 times now in the past 10 mins of playing with it. Just let me know if you want logs or situations.
SlaveUnit Wrote:Jezz_X,
Do you want bug reports or is this a take it or leave it type thing?

& Feature requests? (it is just one! I promise!)
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search and search the forum before posting.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please read how to submit a proper bug report.

If you're interested in writing addons for xbmc, read docs and how-to for plugins and scripts ||| http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-addons/
This is realy nice! Hope this will be added in the official version :-)
öhm If there are feature requests whats your opinion of this View? Or something similar?
This view not close enough?
SlaveUnit Wrote:Jezz_X,
Do you want bug reports or is this a take it or leave it type thing?

If so, Ive had this skin exit out of XBMC and return to the desktop for no reason 4 times now in the past 10 mins of playing with it. Just let me know if you want logs or situations.

If you can figure out the reason sure. our at least provide a glimmer of reason. I have been having problems with the latest svn on windows crashing out on me. but revision 21257 (and lower) has no issues at all. Its odd though that linux has no issues.

But anyway the issues I had was the Infowrap view in the video library It just didn't seem to like that anymore
empty Wrote:This is realy nice! Hope this will be added in the official version :-)
öhm If there are feature requests whats your opinion of this View? Or something similar?
"image removed"

I personally hate all the only a few items visible on the screen ones. yes I know it shows more fanart but I wont be adding that, but like I said in the first post. "feel free to mod the crap out of it" yourself
SlaveUnit Wrote:Jezz_X,
Do you want bug reports or is this a take it or leave it type thing?

If so, Ive had this skin exit out of XBMC and return to the desktop for no reason 4 times now in the past 10 mins of playing with it. Just let me know if you want logs or situations.

Same here, I thought I was just me. Actually I've been having problems with Aeon too, I'm thinking it *might* be related to the Recently Added script.
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[RELEASE] MediaStream_Redux (My Remake)8
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