Share a DVD from another computer in the network?
Now I got this share:

<name>DVD on soder</name>
<path pathversion="1">smb://soder/DVD/</path>

soder is my computer and DVD is the name I shared my DVD E: under.

Now I can enter "DVD on soder" but I only see Audio_TS and Video_TS.

Im not able to play it like a normal DVD, with the menu.

Can that be fixed?

Vero 4K with unRAID server and mysql (mariadb)

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by SlaveUnit - 2009-07-04, 17:16
[No subject] - by soder - 2009-07-04, 17:36
[No subject] - by soder - 2009-07-05, 16:20
[No subject] - by SlaveUnit - 2009-07-05, 18:03
[No subject] - by soder - 2009-07-05, 18:14
[No subject] - by SlaveUnit - 2009-07-05, 18:59
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Share a DVD from another computer in the network?0