Nvidia HTPC - Different graphics connection, difference performance

I have built an P4 3Ghz HTPC with an ASUS 9400GT lp graphics card in it. The card has DVI, VGA and HDMI ports on it, but I am finding that when I connect the PC to my Sony Bravia TV (KDL-32V5500), I get different performance when I use the different connections.

If I connect the PC to the TV using the HDMI connection, I am able to play full 1080p HD content back without any tearing, using the VDPAU video renderer.

If I connect using the VGA connection to the VGA in on the TV, however, I find that even when playing back normal SD video, I experience a fair amount of tearing. This is especially evident in slow-panning scenes. This is also using the same video rendering settings as the HDMI connection.

Given that it's the same graphics card decoding the video and sending it to the TV, I'm not sure why it would behave so differently over the two connections? Does this sound like an issue with the graphics card or the driver maybe?

Let me know what I need to post in addition to these details to help identify why this would be happening. I am running XBMC Live 9.04.1 from an HDD install.

I would say its more likely its your tv. I have a sony bravia too and i've had issues with using the vga input (xbox and pc), but hdmi works fine.

Quickest and easiest way to confirm it is the tv would be to plug your pc into a monitor or other vga input and see if you still have tearing.
Yep, monitor worked fine.

Only issue I have then, is that I can get video over HDMI, but the audio connection is over an audio cable. The picture shows on the HDMI channel and the audio on the PC channel, even though the manual says you can use the audio in for either VGA or HDMI.

I have set up as per this guide, but it refuses to play audio over the HDMI channel.

The TV is a KDL-32C5500 - Can anyone offer any advice?

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Nvidia HTPC - Different graphics connection, difference performance0