Open_GL Issues On Windows Macbook
I have a white macbook, core 2 duo with windows 7 installed.

I tried to open XBMC, and i get an error saying

Quote:Microsoft Default Open_GL Drivers Detected. Please get open_gl drivers from your vendor

Anyone have an idea as to where i get open_gl drivers for a macbook?
You wouldn't get them for the macbook. You'd get them from the vendor of your video card. I believe macbooks use either intel or nvidia. Try to figure out which one you are dealing with, then go to that vendor's website.
L1SE19 Wrote:I have a white macbook, core 2 duo with windows 7 installed.

I tried to open XBMC, and i get an error saying

Anyone have an idea as to where i get open_gl drivers for a macbook?

Also, if you're using RDC to login, it won't work. It does some ish to the video driver that causes the system to think it's using OpenGL 1.1. Use VNC and you'll be fine.

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Open_GL Issues On Windows Macbook0