(Music) Weirdness in Scraping/Now Playing/Last.fm Scrobbles
Yesterday I added a few new bits to my iTunes folder and then scanned each new album into the music library in the normal way. Browsing the list of artists in library mode, the new additions appear correctly. However in Now Playing view, and in the info scrobbled to last.fm, each artist reads UnknownArtist Name. Look at my last.fm page! How daft: http://www.last.fm/user/natedoggiii

I think it's also messing with artist name lookups but it did just get Janis Joplin's info so I don't know. I added an artist description to last.fm - http://www.last.fm/music/James%2BMurphy%...wiki?ver=1 - but rescraping won't pick it up. This is so much more of a ballache than the video library!

Running nightly build 22139 as of today, though previous build also did this (21991). Transparency skin but problem also apparent in PM3HD. Last.fm scraper.

Debug Log: http://pastebin.com/m18ca1e3c

Thanks in advance.

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(Music) Weirdness in Scraping/Now Playing/Last.fm Scrobbles0