Windows developers, are you planning on upgrading to Windows 7?
Win7 is a pretty decent OS. It pretty much never crashes and has great driver support (unless you're trying to install a cheap printer. I hate printer makers).
I'm giving W7 a go, so far it's decent and seems to work well enough (32bit version) .. the box came with vista 64bit (horrible and bloated by HP junk), it's way better then that, i don't have VT support, so i can't try the xp mode, but i'm looking forward to that when i swap the cpu.

I'll try the 64bit when it gets here on a test box, but have no plans the 64bit version on my dev box.

I'm hoping to get into directx development later this year, of course i need to work on general code skills before i do that. So W7 looks like it'll be on at least one primary rig.
A good question to ask is... does Windows 7 provide any 'benefit' over XP specifcally for XBMC?

(for performance, stability, graphics, etc)
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
It provides EVR so in theory and what I have seen first hand, better video quality.

Kryspy Wrote:It provides EVR so in theory and what I have seen first hand, better video quality.
EVR is not being used by XBMC. Unless I'm not mistaken not even by the very recent DirectX version.

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Windows developers, are you planning on upgrading to Windows 7?0