Is XBMC Unstable With No Network?
I am an XBMC newbie. Smile

As I have been learning and testing XBMC 9.04.1, I have noticed possible problems with networking. Specifically, the lack of a network.

I realize XBMC is designed to be network-friendly and am now wondering whether a network connection is an underlying requirement in the overall design. The reason I offer this observation is the differences in behavior I have witnessed when connected with a network and when not.

When I have my HTPC connected in my office for testing and other configuration purposes, the box is connected to my LAN (and through the router, the internet). When I move the box to my HTPC in the living room, the box is NOT connected to my network (or the internet).

When connected to my network, and using ordinary desktop external audio speakers, XBMC seems remarkably stable. During the first few weeks I tested XBMC in my office, I was quite excited about the software. Smile

When connected to my HD TV, using the built-in speakers of my HD TV with audio through HDMI, and no network, XBMC is cantankerous and crashes a lot. I soon became discouraged about XBMC. Sad

Today I reconnected my HTPC in my office with my LAN (and no HDMI). XBMC is again remarkably stable. My excitement about using XBMC was rekindled. Hence, my venturing into possible reasons for the instability.

In the office the HTPC is connected to an Acer X193W+ 19 inch wide 1680x1050 monitor via the DVI-D connector. When in the living room the HTPC is connected to a 37 inch 1920x1080 LG 37LH40 HD TV via HDMI.

I started a different thread addressing possible audio through HDMI issues.

In this thread I'd like to address the possibility that XBMC is crash-prone if there is no network connection.

Is this possible? Are there any workarounds?

Because of the dramatic differences in stability between the two environments, I am convinced the problem is related to hardware (the configuration, not the hardware). I admit the instability problems I experience when connected to my HD TV might all be due to running audio through HDMI and a related incorrect configuration. I notice a significant number of forum threads related to HDMI issues. Or there might two issues causing the instability, one of which might be the absence of a network connection. I only want to explore the possibilities as one issue could be masking the effects of the other.

Do know that when the HTPC is not connected to my LAN that I mount a local hard drive partition that mirrors expected source file locations. Thus, XBMC is not confused about finding files in my source lists --- the source points are always available.

Please also note I am not describing losing an existing network share, which with NFS, commonly freezes a Linux-based system. I am describing no network connection at all when booting the system and subsequently starting XBMC.

Although I plan to string cable to my HTPC location in the living room, that is not going to happen soon. Thus, for the next several weeks, I would like some stability when I have the HTPC connected to my HD TV (audio through HDMI) and no network.

If there are bugs with not having a network connection then hopefully the developers can address the issue in future releases. I have been browsing the forums looking for related threads. Yet I suspect few people test XBMC in a non-networked condition and perhaps any related problems might go unnoticed by the devs.

In the mean time, perhaps some XBMC experts might offer suggestions how to test whether being non-networked is causing problems?

Thanks much for your patience and a great product!

System info: XBMC 9.04.1, Slackware 13.0 32-bit, KDE 4.2.4, Asus M3N78-EM motherboard, AMD 5050e dual core CPU, 2G RAM. LG Electronics 37LH40 HD TV. Linksys WRT54GL 1.1 router with dd-wrt firmware. No logs at this point because this first post is only querying about the possibility of no network connection causing instability.
Lack of network shouldn't cause a problem (other than the obvious area's e.g grabbing metadata, etc...). I have installed one in my parents house that doesn't have a network connection and all is good.

Not got enough info really to answer your problems, going to need more info from you. Mainly a debug log when your having problems and also details of what problems you are having, i.e what kind of stability issues are you having.

HDMI might be related or might not be, again without some debug cant really tell.
I do notice that XBMC has trouble when the networkconnection is lost while playing a video from an SMB share. If that happens XBMC just freezes and gets restarted. Nothing really serious as without the connection I can't watch the movie anyway...

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Is XBMC Unstable With No Network?0