Starting Xbmc Live from the console
This is the most basic of questions ever. I've installed using but I am having issues with sound.

While I'm troubleshooting I need to exit xbmc and sometimes restart it from the command line instead of rebooting...

How can I launch xbmc-live from the console? I've looked through the startup scripts and tried running /etc/init.d/xbmc-live but nothing seems to happen. I'd like to spend my time fixing my audio issues instead of trying to find this (I'd rather not be chasing any problems, lol).
Well I've fixed my audio problems and everything is up and running.

I'm shocked there's no info on how to do this, lol. No one knows how to launch xbmc-live from the console?
Quote:sudo /etc/init.d/xbmc-live start
Kudos. I was doing exactly that but leaving off the 'start' portion. Oddly, the script ran with no apparent error but didn't actually do anything.


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