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Linux HOW-TO playback Blu-ray Disc in XBMC for Linux with MakeMKV (Plugin Addon)
hippojay Wrote:Hi,

Nice work, but I'd been having problems getting this to work with ripped BD file structures. It looks like the problem is file name and spaces. I've fixed it by popping a couple of double quotes around the filename:

mkvStart = '"%s" stream file:\"%s\"' %(self.settings.mkvLocation, choice[:-15])

I did that initially as well but ran into issues on my linux machine with that. Will need to investigate before I'll make the change.

Quote:There is also another problem in that sometimes makemkvcon is using the next available port (51001) rather than 51000. This might account for any "hangs" awaiting a stream. Some sort of port detection might help (perhaps utilising the PID of the makemkvcon process - sorry I can't help with any actual code, but I've never looked a python before - so i'd be doing all this through shell commands..)..

EDIT: something like this, but it's real hacky:
PPID = subprocess.Popen('makemkvcon stream file:\"/home/xbmc/data/BluRay/\"', shell=True)
PID = subprocess.Popen('ps --ppid %s' %(PPID.pid) + ' | grep makemkvcon | awk \'{print $1}\'' ,shell=True )
PORT = subprocess.Popen('netstat -alpt | grep %s ' %(PID) + ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | cut -f2 -d:' ,shell=True)
print PORT

as you can see, this is my first python script Smile

I'd like to have a more reliable method for local port detection for sure, but somehow this doesn's seem like 'it' to me at the moment (Also, it's not very crossplatform...). Also, the script should be terminating any running makemkvcon before starting another, so what process is still using that port in your case?
I'm trying to get this working on an Asrock ION 330 BD with Ubuntu and XBMC9.11 but I can only run makemkvcon as root and not as the xbmc user. Does aynone have any tips?

Also, the makemkv GUI doesn't work as xbmc-user or root (segfault & Fatal error popup) and makemkvcon does a segfault as xbmc-user.

I'll try adding a sudo to the script tomorrow, but I'd like to get the GUI working as well.

I've got the latest 1.4.12 makemkv installed

Thanks in advance

pinthenet Wrote:I'm trying to get this working on an Asrock ION 330 BD with Ubuntu and XBMC9.11 but I can only run makemkvcon as root and not as the xbmc user. Does aynone have any tips?

Also, the makemkv GUI doesn't work as xbmc-user or root (segfault & Fatal error popup) and makemkvcon does a segfault as xbmc-user.

I'll try adding a sudo to the script tomorrow, but I'd like to get the GUI working as well.

I've got the latest 1.4.12 makemkv installed

Thanks in advance


This may or may not be related to a similar problem I was having.

Both GUI and console versions were giving segfault for me.

I had to downgrade to 1.4.11 and now both work fine.
I'll give it a try. I had other issues with 1.4.11 but I think they were caused by a slightly loose contact on the drive as there were also problems with DVDs crashing or not being read
1.4.11 GUI did work though
Ah, just remembered - the reason I upgraded from 1.4.11 is that it wouldn't start anymore - 'Beta version too old'.
pinthenet Wrote:Ah, just remembered - the reason I upgraded from 1.4.11 is that it wouldn't start anymore - 'Beta version too old'.

I do remember reading on the MakeMKV site that the beta versions do timeout and you can just reinstall to reset the timeout. So re-installing 1.4.11 should fix that.
sorry, home now & found that my 'old' 1.4.11 was actualy a 1.4.9:o
Built 1.4.11 and all works fine....
I have created a Blu-ray Disc image test file to test Bluray disk file structure reading


See what you all can make of it
MBP late 2009 - TimeCapsule 2TB - Harmony One+ - Readynas NV+ 8TB RAID5 - Mac Mini late 2009 with 10.9.0 and VDA - Panasonic TX-PG420ES -
idioteque Wrote:I have created a Blu-ray Disc image test file to test Bluray disk file structure reading


See what you all can make of it
Why? Is there a problem with it and this script?
magnetism Wrote:Why? Is there a problem with it and this script?

worked fine for me.
Phantasm4489 Wrote:worked fine for me.

Well, good. I'm just a bit confused about the original post? Not sure what the relevance is.
magnetism Wrote:Well, good. I'm just a bit confused about the original post? Not sure what the relevance is.

oh apart from the fact that the folder in the zip file had a space in it. Once that was removed it worked fine. That has already been discussed in this thread though. Other than that I have no idea what the relevance was either.
Appreciate if someone can help me

I'm using the prebuid image for the ION that has the scripts installed from
I have also tried v10 and v11 of the ISO's with similar results

System Info
XBMC PRE 10.5. r27338
Transparency! 2.11 Skin
4GB Memory
XBMC Live installed on 8GB CF /SATA adapter on ASUS ION Motherboard
LiteON 4X BluRay Reader LH401S

I'm unable to play any BluRay disc I have
If I connect the same burner to my windows PC, I'm able to play the movie or extract an ISO from it. I have also tried playing the ISO off a network share, no luck..

The script completes 100% and then stops with no output

Log file attached (hope I got the link right..)


If I try to play the steam via a web browser on my PC after the script completes 100% I get an error;1)
Error:Could not play file

If I try to connect to the page to browse the file structure

I get an error.. page not found

I can connect to the XBMC on this IP to transfer files from my desktop with WinSCP

Am new with Linux and don't know which way to turn to fix this issue...

it maybe be streaming to a different port for some reason (port is already in use for example). You could try using netstat to get a list of all open ports and see what port it is outputting to.

I followed the instructions on the makemv site to downgrade the package down to 1.4.11 and now I'm able to stream from Disc... Big Grin

cryptic, but a little search helped...


Unfortunately, I'm still unable to stream via a share.. Sad

Did see some threads about spaces in the script.. appreciate if someone can share the updated script that may help

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HOW-TO playback Blu-ray Disc in XBMC for Linux with MakeMKV (Plugin Addon)15
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