Settings for best video quality with Ion?
I'm using XBMC Live 9.11 on a Revo 1600, for the sole purpose of playing NTSC SD DVD rips on a 1080p HDTV over HDMI. I think I've got things set up "ideally", but want to make sure my settings make sense to people who understand XBMC better than I do. I did read the Wiki, but the sections about video options appear to be referencing the old version still, and I didn't see the choices it describes. So, my settings are:

Under Settings/System/Video Output:

Resolution at 1920x1080 @ 60 - Full Screen. (This didn't appear as on option for me initially, but a thread just downforum helped me fix that.)

Under Settings/Video/Playback:

Render method: VDPAU
Adjust display refresh rate to match video: Off
Allowed error in aspect ratio: None
VDPAU Studio level color conversion: On. (This is the one I'm least sure about. If I'm understanding correctly, it's ensuring that color levels go out as 16-235, which is what I want if my display isn't doing anything special with PC black levels, yeah?)

Under the OSD Settings:

Interlaced handling: De-interlace. (Leaving this at None showed horrible combing. Setting it to Auto gave me weird artifacts likewise. This appears to be right, though I've only tested it on TV shows. Is there any reason not to have this set this way?)
Video scaling method: Bilinear. (I tried bicubic, but it was dropping tons of frames.)
View mode: Normal.

Anything wrong in what I've got set? Anything I'm missing?

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Settings for best video quality with Ion?0