NOTE: !!Only t3ch releases are supported!!
As the title says: We only support t3ch builds. The reason is that we normally ask t3ch to only release a new SVN build when we feel the current SVN is reliable enough.

I can't say this enough since a lot of people are not aware of the fact that using third party binaries (eg. SSHCS) or their own SVN compiles can cause serious problems because of (regression) bugs causing (complete) breakage of your setup (eg. problems in the databases).

So again: SVN compiles and/or SSHCS builds are great for testing the current (bleeding edge) SVN version but be aware of the risks involved. And creating proper backups (of eg. your databases) is always a good idea of course ;-)
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
noted, thanks.
i've gone back to the March10th t3ch build and will be comparing that with 9.04.1
mostly concerned with stability of streaming video myself.
Ok I dont know if I understand you correctly do I need to report all bugs from the latest T3CH builds and forget about reporting bugs from SSHCS builds?
willers.nail Wrote:Ok I dont know if I understand you correctly do I need to report all bugs from the latest T3CH builds and forget about reporting bugs from SSHCS builds?

Its the way its always been - years ago people turned up with BlingBling and GasGiver builds asking for help... first pointer was to get a T3CH build.
willers.nail Wrote:Ok I dont know if I understand you correctly do I need to report all bugs from the latest T3CH builds and forget about reporting bugs from SSHCS builds?

Hitcher Wrote:Yes.

No! Using SVN builds or SSHCS daily builds are still recommended for testing. The statement about the "t3ch-only-support" is simply a disclaimer in case something breaks or screws your setup up...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
Hi Arnova,

There seems to be a problem with the download URLs on T3CH website, can you let the owner know?
Luckily a user found this FTP resource (
Dan Dare Wrote:Luckily a user found this FTP resource (

Wow! Thanks for that link!
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NOTE: !!Only t3ch releases are supported!!0