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rflores2323 Wrote:what I have done is create a profile for my kids. I have then seperated their moves into a kids movie folder and then added that source under that profile. That way all my movies are under the master profile and all their movies are under kids profile. There is no confusion on the movies and it tells you the last time you logged in to make sure they are not logging in under your profile (you can also set a password).

this is the best way to handle kids movies if you really want to have all their movies organized.

So obviously simple and efficient that I feel almost stupid not having thought of this myself instead of "relying" on Hollywoods rating system.

Thank you rflores2323...I am going to implement your idea now!

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[No subject] - by mcborzu - 2010-04-12, 16:46
[No subject] - by seninha - 2010-04-12, 16:57
[No subject] - by Waffa - 2010-04-12, 17:32
[No subject] - by yiarkyiark - 2010-04-12, 19:39
[No subject] - by rflores2323 - 2010-04-12, 20:35
[No subject] - by Waffa - 2010-04-12, 20:42
[No subject] - by yiarkyiark - 2010-04-12, 20:48
[No subject] - by seninha - 2010-04-13, 09:02
[No subject] - by xbs08 - 2010-04-13, 09:57
[No subject] - by bambam0099 - 2010-10-19, 04:17
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