MCE Remote Problems
Sorry if this has already been answered but i cant find it anywhere.

I have my MCE remote Setup with even ghost, which is great the only problem i have is that if im watching something or listening to music, i cant browse round the system using up, down left or right i.e

start a track to listen to then fancy looking round my other albums when i press down it starts the current track again, press right and it skips forward. no matter what i tried i cant get it to work as i want.

Any Help greatly appreciated

Thanks in Advance.
You could try not using Eventghost. See for details.

GrapeApe Wrote:Unfortunately, after registering Remote-SendKeys and rebooting, I still can't get full remote control of XBMC (I'm using the HP MCE remote). The navigational keys up, down, back etc all work but nothing else. Using ShowKey, I'm seeing that my remote is only sending ctrl and ctrl shift keystrokes instead of ctrl-P, ctrl shift-P etc. Any ideas?

Hey, I just posted this in a different thread in general help, but as the creator of mceremote.reg I thought you might know what's up.

Victor Frankenstein and I don't have that much control over our creations :-)

I use the HP remote myself, though I use the remote-xbmc config. If I get a chance today I'll try using the remote-sendkeys config and see what happens. Have a go at using the xbmc config; I know it doesn't support MCE but you can switch back just by running remote-sendkeys.reg again.


PS I've tried using the HP remote on a new XP SP3 install with the Remote-Sendkeys and it seems to work. When I press the Play button ShowKey shows me:


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