Best way to rip DVD's?

You could trust that the Handbrake developers actually know what they are doing and use their defaults (which amazingly work rather well).

HandbrakeCLI --preset "High Profile" -i /dev/dvd -o MovieName.mkv -f mkv

Of course, if you don't care about file size, MakeMKV is the better choice (makemkvcon --minlength 1200 mkv disc:0 all .). But since the OP does care about file size, the Handbrake suggestion above is a good compromise between size and quality.

PS Setting Handbrake's quality to 100% makes no sense. The quality is measured by the uncompressed result of rendering each frame. The normal compression ratio for Handbrake is 20% (-q 0.20) and is extremely close to the original DVD quality. Upping the ratio a bit (-q 0.17) produces only marginally better images and about 15-20% increase in file size.

Messages In This Thread
Best way to rip DVD's? - by xgamer99 - 2010-05-14, 02:45
[No subject] - by gabbott - 2010-05-14, 03:13
[No subject] - by BORIStheBLADE - 2010-05-14, 04:53
[No subject] - by xgamer99 - 2010-05-14, 07:33
[No subject] - by AxaliaN - 2010-05-14, 10:53
[No subject] - by BORIStheBLADE - 2010-05-14, 15:43
[No subject] - by D0nR0s4 - 2010-05-14, 16:06
[No subject] - by xgamer99 - 2010-05-14, 19:36
[No subject] - by natethomas - 2010-05-14, 19:45
[No subject] - by xgamer99 - 2010-05-14, 19:49
[No subject] - by lloydsmart - 2010-05-14, 19:57
[No subject] - by D0nR0s4 - 2010-05-14, 20:07
[No subject] - by GJones - 2010-05-17, 04:49
[No subject] - by Plaguester - 2010-05-17, 08:24
My experience - by JohnnyD2 - 2010-06-09, 00:57
[No subject] - by hrotti - 2010-06-10, 12:03
[No subject] - by GJones - 2010-06-10, 22:21
[No subject] - by GJones - 2010-06-10, 22:22
[No subject] - by apotropaic - 2010-06-18, 14:42
[No subject] - by pennant - 2010-07-29, 14:11
[No subject] - by avus m3 - 2010-07-29, 20:37
[No subject] - by tigeredwards - 2010-09-17, 05:14
[No subject] - by cable_guy - 2010-09-27, 14:17
[No subject] - by schneidz - 2010-10-30, 05:05
[No subject] - by GJones - 2010-12-01, 23:41
[No subject] - by schneidz - 2010-12-02, 18:29
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Best way to rip DVD's?0