Any List of Video Files not added to Library?
I am trying to get every Movie I have added to the Library but there are a lot and I am not even sure how many Movies I have so I can't tell if everything was added by looking at the number of items. I am wondering if there is anyway to know which Video Files have not been added to the Library so I can rename them so they are able to be scraped.

Also IMDB for some reason as a scraper does not add the year made. I am not sure about TMDB but I think the year made was in the info section.
I had the same issue regarding my list of movies. When you tell XBMC to scan for library changes (sometimes worded as "Update Library" or "Scan for new content" it will put in the log what files couldn't be enumerated. The log file in in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\xbmc.log

As for the year, the IMDB site must have changed the way it was worded and the RegEx (Regular Expression) needs to be updated in the imdb.xml
I had the same issue with the MPAA ratings not appearing.
I fixed it using thread

As to what needs to be changed to get the years, I have no idea. I'm no good at RegEx's yet

To find not scraped movies:

If you are running on linux you can try :

You can also try XBMC Web Media manager :

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Any List of Video Files not added to Library?0