Logitec xbox 1 wireless controller asrock live 9.11
Hey guys
First up gotta say love xbmc recently upgraded from old school xbox to as rock ion 330 and love it. I jumped on eBay and bight an xbox 1 to USB adapter to use my old wireless controller. The triggers work as do the analogue sticks but both only control volume and d pad doesn't work. I'm a total Linux n00b can some one point me in the right direction on how to set this up standard xbox 1 style?


Did the same upgrade last year, and i'm really happy with it.
Used the xbox1 controller for a while with this driver : xboxdrv, though it wasn't really optimal, but it works.
Try it out, you should be able to google several guides to set it from from that page.
A tip it so buy a cheap MCE remote on ebay, imo it works a bit better and it's supported by lirc ;-)

Best of luck !

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Logitec xbox 1 wireless controller asrock live 9.110