[LIVE] - Questions and problems with xbmc on USB
Hello at all...

I am currently testing XBMC and trying to get it working on my USB stick.

I am very new to XBMC and so sorry for probably asking stupid questions.

What do I want to get:

Get XBMC working from USB stick to be able to run some DVD and probably get the other smart things working like Music and so on...

What I did:

1) Downloaded the Live iso
2) Burned on CD
3) Then booted into the OS on CD
4) Installed XBMC on USB
5) Boot into USB XBMC

This was quite easy... Playing DVDs works. But I have some questions:

a) My internal microphone is turned on. That's a big problem because of acoustic feedback. How can I disable it? I can't find any configuration regarding sound mixer or so in the menu...

b) while installing I had the option to configure DHCP... This did not work. I wnated to configure WLAN but I have had no option to enter SID, key and so on... How do I get WLAN working? I want to use the Android App for remote control. Therefore I will need to get WLAN working, correct? LAN would me no option because it is too far away...

I hope you can help me a little bit.
Thanks a lot!

I managed to disable the microphone. Here's what I've done for those who want to know:

- Start XMBC Live (installed on a USB Stick)
- Exit XMBC
- login to console
- start alsamixer with "alsamixer"
- edit the mixer settings
- EXC for exit alsamixer
- run "sudo alsactl store" for saving the settings

I still try to get WLAN running... but I have no idea. I would be very pleased if someone could help me with that. I also did not get LAN working. While installing XBMC on my USB Stick I skipped LAN configuration. Is that why it also does not work if I plug in LAN cable? What do I have to do for getting WLAN working?

Thanks a lot!
Hm, after some boots the mic was on agan?! Something wrong with my config?

One more thing: I can't get a screen via D-Sub connection in XBMC. In my Windows environment I can choose between internal monitor of my notebook or external. How is it with XBMC?

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[LIVE] - Questions and problems with xbmc on USB0