Mysql profiles and watched status
I just had a quick look at it, and at a glance it looks like it could be done by converting all the tables to view except for `xbmc_video`.`files` - `files` is the table that seems to store the watched data. But having a second database that's 99% a view of the first, but with a files table that is local, we should be able to have a working secondary unit (which is what I really want, units not profiles) that can write it's own watched data.

I'll just need to write a trigger to replicate everything over from the real `files` table on insert/update/delete except for the playCount and lastPlayed fields.

I'll post an update once I get a change to actually do it, but so far I've got a working version where `tvshowview` is working off of views except for the `files` table.

Messages In This Thread
Mysql profiles and watched status - by craigd - 2010-09-14, 16:37
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2010-09-14, 22:52
[No subject] - by Japaja - 2011-02-08, 07:01
[No subject] - by Sk3wby - 2011-06-29, 01:05
[No subject] - by Dak0ta - 2011-07-07, 03:41
[No subject] - by Dak0ta - 2011-07-07, 04:13
[No subject] - by Dak0ta - 2011-07-17, 02:34
[No subject] - by Dak0ta - 2011-07-17, 15:06
[No subject] - by Dak0ta - 2011-07-17, 15:40
[No subject] - by akevit - 2012-01-06, 23:14
[No subject] - by Ned Scott - 2012-01-07, 09:01
[No subject] - by vikjon0 - 2012-01-07, 11:02
[No subject] - by akevit - 2012-01-08, 03:34
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