HTPC automation - complicated question
hi, maybe what i'm trying to do is a bit odd but i have searched around for days and cant find anything that will help.
in summary, i have a HDMI switch that can be controlled from Linux into which my Sky (PVR) box is plugged in as well as my XBMC box.
what i need to do is to switch channels on the HDMI switch when i want to use XBMC. i.e. when i press a button on the iPhone remote (i dont use a standard remote) or when a video starts playing.
i have scripted the switch back to the Sky box - this works perfectly (when i press the shutdown button on the home screen) XBMC stays running but the HDMI box is switched to the other channel.

i did have a script running at startup ( that seemed to work ok but now doesn't work since i've upgraded to the SVN version. script is here:
basically i replaced the line that logs PLAY with the command to run the script.

has anybody got any ideas on how to do this or any idea what might be wrong with my script?

Turn on debug logging and restart XBMC. The log should tell you whether XBMC is processing your script and if so what the error is.


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