XBMC File manager
Hi there,

since I installed xbmc, I've been wondering how could I made it easier moving files around, specially when my brother comes and asks me to copy over a film to his USB stick.

Right now, I'm doing everything using SSH and then cp source dest etc, but it's a little tedious.

And it has been today that I've learned XBMC has a file manager built in!

However, after playing a bit around, I'm not sure I quite like: when I open it I get to screens but the only Dirs I get are Profile directory, external HDD, USB stick. So I can copy files from 1 external usb to another and so on, but I can't copy over a file from my music, images, movies or tv shows libraries...

Is that the way it works??

I'm really interested in this one..

thanks and sorry for bumping it up!
You can easily add any source from your computer or network to file manager using context menu.
really.. I can't believe how easy it was.. the context menu, as always...


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