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[RELEASE] Cinema Experience - the new Home Theater Experience Script
windows 7 x64
hey giftie, its xmas day so dont bother getting back to me, eat drink and be merry!

but just a heads up, my install on win7 64bit does the same,

fade works great (i changed it to 10 secs) but volume stays quiet on next segment of playlist.

hope everyone here at xbmc has a great xmas!
After a few tries I was able to download 1.0.7. I tested that it will startup with a slideshow. But as icky states, it does still drop to -54db after the slideshow ends.
Main - Intel E6750 C2D (2.66ghz)/Geforce 240
Bedroom - Intel E3300 C2D (2.5ghz)/Geforce 210
Guest Bedroom - Acer Revo 1600/ION LE
Test Desktop - Intel Q9300 C2Q (2.5ghz)/Geforce 9600 GSO
SlaveUnit Wrote:After a few tries I was able to download 1.0.7. I tested that it will startup with a slideshow. But as icky states, it does still drop to -54db after the slideshow ends.

With 1.0.7 you can disable the fade(in settings) I had a funny feeling that it was a Windows' thing(works great on Linux.) This might have been the problem with the volume not returning back to the original level after the slide show. The user now has better control over the sound during the Slides. Test it with the "- Adjust Volume During Slideshow" off. The Volume should stay put and not change from the what you have your master volume set at.

Merry Christmas to all..
Merry Christmas everyone.

I have noticed a couple of things.

1. Although I have the "do not show trailers that have already been shown" setting selected, it seems that I keep seeing the same trailers several times when watching different movies

2. I had trivia working correctly a few days ago, with no intential changes, the trivia stopped playing and it goes directly to the intro clip.

Take Care
giftie Wrote:With 1.0.7 you can disable the fade(in settings) I had a funny feeling that it was a Windows' thing(works great on Linux.) This might have been the problem with the volume not returning back to the original level after the slide show. The user now has better control over the sound during the Slides. Test it with the "- Adjust Volume During Slideshow" off. The Volume should stay put and not change from the what you have your master volume set at.

Merry Christmas to all..

I did try it with both the "Adjust Volume During Slideshow" off and on. They both have the same results with the volume dropping out.

Windows 7 x64
Main - Intel E6750 C2D (2.66ghz)/Geforce 240
Bedroom - Intel E3300 C2D (2.5ghz)/Geforce 210
Guest Bedroom - Acer Revo 1600/ION LE
Test Desktop - Intel Q9300 C2Q (2.5ghz)/Geforce 9600 GSO
giftie Wrote:On the first page there are many links to packages and information that should simplify things even for the newest user.
Good evening and Merry Cristmas to all of you
Yes but is difficult for us to manage all these things.
For you is very easy.Anyway thanks all of you for these nice things you offer to us. Keep on trying.....
SALAMINOMACHOS Wrote:Good evening and Merry Cristmas to all of you
Yes but is difficult for us to manage all these things

What exactly are you having troubles with?

Merry Christmas
SlaveUnit Wrote:I did try it with both the "Adjust Volume During Slideshow" off and on. They both have the same results with the volume dropping out.

Windows 7 x64

Also I was thinking this may not effect people using a digital output since its a pass thru. All the testing I have been doing it with a stereo analog output.

Can you post your xbmc.log.. This really sounds like a strange problem..

giftie Wrote:Can you post your xbmc.log.. This really sounds like a strange problem..


Actually the pass thru makes no difference. I have tested on both an analog system and a system using pass thru (optical). Both have the same results of killing the volume.

Log with "Adjust Volume During Slideshow" on - http://codepaste.net/spn8wf
Log with "Adjust Volume During Slideshow" off - http://codepaste.net/3ctuqa

Sorry pastebin is dead right now.
Main - Intel E6750 C2D (2.66ghz)/Geforce 240
Bedroom - Intel E3300 C2D (2.5ghz)/Geforce 210
Guest Bedroom - Acer Revo 1600/ION LE
Test Desktop - Intel Q9300 C2Q (2.5ghz)/Geforce 9600 GSO
I also have the audio @ -54db issue. I am running a very fresh win7 x64, xbmc 10.0, latest cinema experience script, the hte torrent for content, and using AEON MQ2 2.6.0. Everything seems to work fine except for the audio being dropped to -54db.

I'm at xmas right now (who isn't!?) but i can gather and post logs if needed when i get home.

like slave unit, i have tried both slide show music enaabled and disabled, as well as slideshows themselves. always kills it down.

great otherwise!!
merry christmas,

slaveunit, it's finding your current volume is 10.

can you try replacing

PHP Code:
try: # first try jsonrpc
result xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "XBMC.GetVolume", "id": 1}')
match re.search'"result" : ([0-9]{1,2})'result )
self.current_volume int(match.group(1))
"current volume: %d" self.current_volume
# Fall back onto httpapi
self.current_volume intxbmc.executehttpapi"GetVolume" ).replace"<li>""" ) )
"current volume: %d" self.current_volume 


PHP Code:
self.current_volume = ( absfloatxbmc.getInfoLabel"Player.Volume" ). split" " )[ ] ) ) / 60 ) * 100
print "current volume: %d" self.current_volume 

watch the indenting

and giftie nice catch on the mute displaying, you should add 1 to the volume so range picks it up.

PHP Code:
volumes range1self.current_volume 
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
actually an easier change is this
it's cutting the last digit off

PHP Code:
match re.search'"result" : ([0-9]{1,3})'result 
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
I am going to have to try this later this evening. I'm supposed to be out of here for the day in 15 mins. My girlfriend is going to slaughter me if I keep playing with this. Damn these Xmas get-togethers. Smile

Thanks Nuka that fixed it!!!!! Yippeeee

Screw Xmas and the GF. I need XBMC time dammit!! Smile
Main - Intel E6750 C2D (2.66ghz)/Geforce 240
Bedroom - Intel E3300 C2D (2.5ghz)/Geforce 210
Guest Bedroom - Acer Revo 1600/ION LE
Test Desktop - Intel Q9300 C2Q (2.5ghz)/Geforce 9600 GSO
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[RELEASE] Cinema Experience - the new Home Theater Experience Script24