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[RELEASE] Cinema Experience - the new Home Theater Experience Script
m0v1em4n Wrote:Hi guys,

Just install CE, and was wondering if the folder structure on the first page of this thread is created on the install process or do we have to create it.
if we have to create it is there any particular place it should go? Is the first video folder in the tree my already existing video folder?
I understand that I have to tell CE where the folders are and then put the videos in the appropriate folders.

Also when CE plays trailers will it stream any, new or old or will it stream new coming soon?



You will need to create the folder structure although a lot of it is already set up with the full packs available on the first page.

There is an option in the settings of the Cinema Experience tab where you can select only new trailers. Also, you can download any trailer you want just ensure that they have "-trailer" at the end of the file otherwise it won't know to play them.
giftie Wrote:It seems your are starting from the video files, not the video library. The Script requires the movie to be in the video library. The script is failing to find the movie in the database twice.

So unbelievably stupid on my part. Thanks for the help, I'll give it a shot tonight.

Side question, do you know where the slides.xml file is located? I need to change it to match my Q&A slide names. I checked all of the directories in the addons folder but wasn't able to find it.
Hi Guys,

could do with a little help

What I am running

XBMC pre 11 nightly
Aeon MQ3
latest CE

Ok I have install CE and that gave me a CE button on the movies extra info screen, I have created the folder structure on C: drive and configered the folder setting in the CE options

Now when I press the CE button in the movies extra info screen the 2 random trailers play followed by the sound intro video but for some reason the movie doesn't play , anyone have any idea on why the main movie doesn't play :confused2:


What version of the script are you using? Latest on the repo does not work nicely on pre-Eden. I posted a link to a more friendly pre-Eden version a couple of pages back, typing this from my iPod, will look it up again when I get home from work.

m0v1em4n Wrote:Hi Guys,

could do with a little help

What I am running

XBMC pre 11 nightly
Aeon MQ3
latest CE

Ok I have install CE and that gave me a CE button on the movies extra info screen, I have created the folder structure on C: drive and configered the folder setting in the CE options

Now when I press the CE button in the movies extra info screen the 2 random trailers play followed by the sound intro video but for some reason the movie doesn't play , anyone have any idea on why the main movie doesn't play :confused2:


i think this is the post yo are looking for

Thanks guys,

Well I install version 1.48 and the trailer and movies play fine but the sound intro video doesn't, where as before it did

will try a few thing later

thanks for your help

Ok, one more issue I found. I cannot get the screenshot quiz to work. The questions are not coming up before the answers. I changed the extensions to be _q.jpg and _a.jpg. Below is the code I have in slides.xml inside the Screenshot quiz folder. Any ideas?

    <slide rating="R">
        <question format=".+_q.jpg" />
        <clue format="" />
        #<a<answer format=".+_a.jpg" />
        <answer format=".+_a.jpg" />

I have tried both <a<answer... and <answer...
Deception Wrote:Ok, one more issue I found. I cannot get the screenshot quiz to work. The questions are not coming up before the answers. I changed the extensions to be _q.jpg and _a.jpg. Below is the code I have in slides.xml inside the Screenshot quiz folder. Any ideas?

    <slide rating="R">
        <question format=".+_q.jpg" />
        <clue format="" />
        #<a<answer format=".+_a.jpg" />
        <answer format=".+_a.jpg" />

I have tried both <a<answer... and <answer...

The '#<a<answer format' line needs to be removed, it probably will cause an issue, not sure why it's there.

Also your files are named something like this:

The #answer was only there as a test its since been removed. I'm not home now but I don't think the files have the numeric at the end, 1, 2, etc. That sounds like it could be an issue. The files are from the huge hte pack on the first page of this thread but I changed them to have an extension of q and a instead of a and b. I do have the originals and can put them back to a and b easily.
Deception Wrote:The #answer was only there as a test its since been removed. I'm not home now but I don't think the files have the numeric at the end, 1, 2, etc. That sounds like it could be an issue. The files are from the huge hte pack on the first page of this thread but I changed them to have an extension of q and a instead of a and b. I do have the originals and can put them back to a and b easily.

Oh I see.. So your files are listed something like this(s screen shot of my actually Screenshot Quiz folder)


With the following xml file:

        <slide rating="G">
        <question format=".+_a.jpg" />
        <clue format="" />
        <answer format=".+_b.jpg" />

This works fine on my system and many others...
I wonder if its the slide rating being R??

I'm going to reload the file the way it was originally downloaded and ill change my slides.xml to the one you posted. Just to confirm the slides.xml is in the q&a folder and there is no other changes?
Deception Wrote:I wonder if its the slide rating being R??

I'm going to reload the file the way it was originally downloaded and ill change my slides.xml to the one you posted. Just to confirm the slides.xml is in the q&a folder and there is no other changes?

That is correct.
Hi giftie,

Big fan of this script, and been using it for a while now.

Couple of questions. Where does the script store the list of previously played trailers when you have the only show unwatched trailers option set? I've got that option turned on, and I am definitely getting repeat trailers on some occasions, even when there are unwatched trailers to play.

Also, in regards to feature requests, are we allowed to request new features? I was wondering if it was possible to have another trailers option to show the latest unwatched trailers. Ie, when the script plays the trailers it selects the newest unwatched trailers. The HD-Trailers.NET download script names the folder names with dates, so maybe the script could use that to determine the newest?

Sometimes when playing unwatched trailers, I'm finding the script seems to always play older ones first, rather then a random selection.

Thanks again for your work on this script.

Great great great add on. My gf adores this plugin, it's taken her appreciation of my xbmc set up to another level, one where she actually cares about it lol.

I've been wondering about something though. I've got XBMC to play trailers before the movie and it's picking the ones for movies (with trailers) stored on my mediaserver which is perfect but I also want it to pick some randomly from upcoming movies. Is there anyway to set this?

As it stands X:\ Is the movie drive and all the movies are xxxxxxxxxxxx-trailer.xxx

I was tempted to put a folder say X:\ComingAttractions but then XBMC will try to scrape this folder as part of the movies drive. If it does scrape them I'll end up with a bunch of dummy movies I'd need to clear out every time.

Now I'm running UNRAID so I can easily create an extra drive, Say Z:\, and stick them all in here including the ones that are already in place but this would lose me the ability to play the trailer for jsut the movie we want to watch, or I end up duplicating the trailers, which with a few hundred HD ones is far from ideal.

I know I can't set 2 trailer paths but any ideas?

Or have I just made a request for some new code? Eek

Either way I look forward to what the future brings, this is the kind of add on that drives my love of XBMC.
The local scraper is loogin in the wrong folder I have it set as "U:\trailers"

Log file is showing "09:06:50 T:6524 DEBUG: [folder.py] - dirEntries Activated
09:06:50 T:6524 DEBUG: [folder.py] - escapeDirJSON Activated
09:06:50 T:6524 DEBUG: [json_utils.py] - JSONRPC Query -
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": {"directory": "C:\\Users\\Don Schmeling\\AppData\\Roaming\\XBMC\\trailers\\", "media": "video"}, "id": 1}
09:06:50 T:6524 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting C:\Users\Don Schmeling\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\trailers\
09:06:50 T:6524 DEBUG: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - JSONRPC -
{"error":{"code":-32602,"message":"Invalid params."},"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
09:06:50 T:6524 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
09:06:50 T:6524 ERROR: File "C:\Users\Don Schmeling\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cinema.experience\resources\lib\json_utils.py", line 45, in retrieve_json_dict
09:06:50 T:6524 ERROR: result = response['result']
09:06:50 T:6524 ERROR: KeyError: 'result'"

If i put the trailers in the folder it displays above they play just fine.
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[RELEASE] Cinema Experience - the new Home Theater Experience Script24