Movies needs to long to load
Hi @ all,

i am new here, tried to search but nothing found which describes my problem. I have a server on which are all my movies and a client on which is xbmc dharma rc2 wicht ubuntu 10.10 (becaus of ssd support). So everything runs fine, loevly boot time and with dds fanart support it is really nice to scroll between the movies.

the both computers are connected over ipv4 gigabit. the mainproblem is, that xbmc needs abaout 20 second to load a movei, doen´t matter if its a iso or mkv. when the movie is running, every thin is finde, i can jump from beginning to end without lags, but the start is horrible. I don´t know if it is becaus xbmc converst the tbn files to dds and the memory is full. Could you meaybe have a look over the log file?

Thank you very much


Solved: It was a corrupt video file

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