Upgrading from Dharma Rc2 to 10.0
Hi all,

I've been searching around for info on how to properly update from Dharma RC2 to the newly released 10.0 while maintaining my settings and addons as much as possible. I'm using Windows 7 underneath.

Any guidance? Any gotchas?
download, install, done. enjoy!
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

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Very little aside from bug fixes has been changed from RC2 to Final. There is no need to uninstall or worry about anything. As dushmaniac said, download, install, enjoy.
dushmaniac Wrote:download, install, done. enjoy!

I assume the same holds true going from Dharma 4 to Dharma 10?
BamBam1963 Wrote:I assume the same holds true going from Dharma 4 to Dharma 10?
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Unlike told in this thread, at least keyboard.xml get reset when updating. Can be _very_ annoying.
I tried this method "download, install, done" to upgrade from RC1 to 10.0 final, and I find that the list of available addons did not update.

I also have XBMC Live installed on another machine and several new addons (e.g. Icecast) appear on that installation, but not on my Windows machine. The only addons that update are the ones that were installed from a .zip file.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions, short of a complete uninstall and reinstall?

You could try refreshing the repository. System settings, Add-ons, press C on the XBMC.org add-ons and select "Force refresh".

lateko Wrote:Unlike told in this thread, at least keyboard.xml get reset when updating. Can be _very_ annoying.

You shouldn't edit the system keyboard.xml for exactly this reason. You should always create a new keyboard.xml in your profile. I'm pretty certain this point is made in all the Wiki articles that describe keymap editing.

There can be circumstances in which it makes sense to modify the system keyboard.xml, but if you do this it's up to you to back it up before installing any new version of XBMC. Note that the new version may well include a new version of keyboard.xml, so don't just copy the old version back after the update.


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Upgrading from Dharma Rc2 to 10.00