Is there a way to change the letterbox color?
I've tried to search the forum with multiple search queries, but nothing showed up.

Is there a way to change the letterbox color from black to another color? Seems like a very basic and common function, yet there's no option to change it that I've found.
look harder, <blackbarcolour> advancedsetting
spiff Wrote:look harder, <blackbarcolour> advancedsetting

Hmm, I just searched the form for "<blackbarcolour>", but nothing comes up. I did another search for "blackbarcolour" and a thread came up about someone changing a blackbarcolour setting in a file called "XboxRenderer.cpp", but I'm not using an Xbox. I'm still not sure what that setting is. So apparently I still have not "looked harder" yet. So I guess there's not an easy hidden menu setting somewhere?
There's more than the forum though - check the wiki -

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Is there a way to change the letterbox color?0