[AppleTV2] ATV2 XBMC worked GREAT, untill I turned off my ATV2
I searched around before asking, but could not uncover the answer.
I jailbroke my ATV2 with Seas0nPass, and installed XBMC as mentioned from the Lifehacker articles.

Everything worked great all day yesterday, scanning in my 800+ movie Library from my NAS. Went to bed last night, shut off my TV, and thus my ATV2.

Now it won't boot up, just gives me the Apple Logo and a steady flash from the front of the ATV2.

My question is... Do I have to tether launch into my ATV2 everytime I shut it of?

Headed over to look for answers at Seas0nPass forums, thought I would start here though.

Thanks in advance.
Yes, if your ATV was turned off you need to tether boot with the current jb.
It's usually not possible to turn off the aTV2 unless you unplug it or have it plugged into a powerstrip or something. aTV2 usually just goes to sleep, so you wouldn't need to tether boot it.

However, if the aTV2 did lose power. Then you of course need to tether it to a computer to complete the boot process. That's what tether boot is.

either your power went out or the library update buggered it up and forced it into some sort of a hard reboot (dont know atv2 hardware/software enough to say if it did that).

check your xbmc logs see if anything pops up there that indicates it crashed the atv2. but if you did turn it off, disregard all this and boot it tethered.

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[AppleTV2] ATV2 XBMC worked GREAT, untill I turned off my ATV20