MySQL & WOL (wake on lan)
When you're trying to work out what's going wrong the first step is always to enable debug logging then look at xbmc.log to see if there are any clues. In this case you will see something like:

DEBUG: XBPython:Tonguerocess - no profile (C:\Users\renniej\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\ found, skipping

which means that I gave you the wrong filename (oops, sorry) it should be

Also you're doing things the hard way. The just needs to contain:

import xbmc

I've put in the MAC address of the PC I tested the script on. Obviously replace this with your own MAC address.


Messages In This Thread
MySQL & WOL (wake on lan) - by castortray - 2011-01-29, 11:58
[No subject] - by jhsrennie - 2011-01-30, 10:55
[No subject] - by castortray - 2011-01-30, 22:30
[No subject] - by castortray - 2011-02-01, 00:03
[No subject] - by jhsrennie - 2011-02-01, 12:44
[No subject] - by castortray - 2011-02-01, 21:15
[No subject] - by jhsrennie - 2011-02-02, 11:34
[No subject] - by castortray - 2011-02-02, 12:17
[No subject] - by castortray - 2011-02-04, 22:49
[No subject] - by t4_ravenbird - 2012-03-01, 15:15
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