Crystal HD for OSX status
Hi (Davilla I guess),

finally got hold of a crystal HD BCM970015 for my Intel dual core mac mini running Snow Leopard.

First of all big thanks for that work so far. Incredible improvement!

However, some information seems to be spread here and there and I do not have a clear picture.
I am using the 3.6.0 version from

and it works basically. However, there are still some problems that sometimes a BD stops playing and I need to restart XBMC a couple of times. And the famous sleep thing.
The last release is the 3.6.0. but there is also a 3.8.0. and a couple of later tags in the codebase.

Is there a clear recommendation of what version to use and how is there still work in progress on that driver ?

Thanks in advance.
Putting it on the top of the list again. Any news here ? Any work in progress ?
not yet.
Look at the project home page:

Quote:There is also the new bcm70015 Crystal HD cards and these are also supported with this driver/lib/firmware provided you build from svn trunk. A release version has not been made the includes bmc70015 support yet.

You have to build your own driver from the source.
Thanks, I looked at the project home page and am checking it regularly.
However, the last tags/revisions are from Oct and not sure which one to take
looking at the comments.

Therefore it would be great to have a new release based on the right version once it is stable.
So I asked for the progress and will probably wait for the next release.

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