Help with Silverlight URL Streams
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to say thank you all for this AMAZING product. XBMC is the single best media app out there!

So I was able to get the Al Jazeera streams working thanks to TravelingGuy's fantastic guide

I would like to get Rotana's channels also working. They use Silverlight to stream their channels and I'm having a hard time finding the URLs.

Here is a link to Rotana's player including the three channels I would like the most (Cinema, Clips, and Zaman):

A link to a guide would be fantastic (teach me how to fish)

Thanks for the help.
Those links are giving me "Please try later" errors.

These days most web sites play video (and often audio) using a Flash player. This means it can be a real bugger to work out what stream they are playing. If you look at the source for the web page you might be able to spot the stream name in it, but if the company responsible for the web server don't want to to stream the videos directly they can easily make life very hard for you. Often you have to resort to running a network sniffer to see what the stream URL is.

jhsrennie Wrote:Those links are giving me "Please try later" errors.

same here!

Please try this link:

and under "Media Box Programming" to the left, go to the appropriate channel.

Thanks!Big Grin

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Help with Silverlight URL Streams0