Keyboard Search of Movies

I am a recent convert from a Win 7 Media Center with Media Browser to XBMC. So far I love how much faster XBMC Live runs in my Atom/Ion hardware. I have also implemented it on a new ATV2. I am hooked.

There is one feature I do miss from the old system.

My movie library is decent sized at around 500 movies. In Win7, when I went to the Movies library and in a wall it showed all my movies, on a small keyboard, I could type the first few letters of the movie and it immediately scrolled there... For example, if I knew I wanted to watch Shrek, on my keyboard I would begin typing "Sh" and it went to the movies that started with these letters. I have an ultra slim Bluetooth keyboard sitting on my coffee table and just reaching over to type a letter or two was a breeze compared to scrolling around.

Is this doable in XBMC? I have tried it on a Live machine and on a Win machine.

When in you movie library, hold shift and start typing.
Yessss!! Thank you.
Thank you so much Hernandito for asking that question, i have been wondering if you could do that for sometime.

Thank you Tyler for the answer, will helpe me out so much will save so much time other than scrolling

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