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[old] Unofficial semi-nightly build FAQ/info/issues (here for archival purposes)
there is no default advancedsettings.xml file, you create it.
"right click" = Hold the menu button until the menu appears.

New build time? New build time.

I'll give you five money dollars*, Keith!

*money dollars will not be real and are for entertainment value only

EDIT: NEVER MIND. I spoke too soon. Not completely fixed.
Ned Scott Wrote:https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/2726...5d122723b3

New build time? New build time.

I'll give you five money dollars*, Keith!

*money dollars will not be real and are for entertainment value only

I would love to see a build with the crash issue fixed.

Keith... I would not hesitate to send some "support" for all that you have done. How does one support the cause?
I upgraded to Lion, so trying to get my build environment back up, sorry guys!

Davilla, in his infinite wisdom, pointed out the errors of my ways.
The Lion upgrade removed Xcode and I installed the latest, which was too new. Installed the old xcode and we're cooking with gas now.

I will get a build up tonight or if I pass out early, tomorrow.
creol Wrote:I would love to see a build with the crash issue fixed.

Keith... I would not hesitate to send some "support" for all that you have done. How does one support the cause?


Remember, I'm just doing what our buildbot isn't yet, the real debt is owed to davilla, gimli, amet and all the other developers of XBMC for their years of hard work to the project, especially the XBMC-iOS port. Without them, I wouldn't have anything to build/package and share. Smile

Every little counts, whether answering questions here and on irc, writing code, writing up something in a bug report/wiki/howto, doing builds or donating money, this is what makes a good open source project great. Thanks for wanting to contribute!
Memphiz Wrote:giving a nudge to davilla - what stops the buildbot from doing it right now? ^^

Good question... I don't really understand how the buildbot works so no idea what the dependencies are but it'd be interesting to hear more about it. Anyone out there know what needs to happen before keith can hand the reigns over to the buildbot?
it needs to happen that davilla and theuni get some hours of free time for introducing ios to the buildbot Wink
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
I think one of the problems here is, that this building routine for iOS runs solely on MacOS X using xcode. I don't know on what sorta system the buildbot is right now - but my guess is it's not MacOS.

New builds up!

Hi, thanks for the new build!

Just out of curiosity, which compiler do you use? Default in xCode 3.x is GCC but xCode 4 uses both LLVM (which produces faster code in some cases (well most cases)). Can XBMC be built with LLVM 2.x or even 3.0 (xCode 4.2)?
Thanks for the build Keith Smile
Will give it a try tonight...
I installed this new build and on startup it notified that all of the addons (movie, music etc. scrapers) are not compatible. Do I have to wait for updated addons or is this a bug?
I have just installed the 06-Jul-2011 nightly. Played a movie & tried to exit just before the end, the movie kept playing but the main menu appeared with movie in back ground. Pushed the menu button a number of times and movie displayed correctly again. From then I could only pause or play the movie, i.e. I could not exit the movie.

flossie Wrote:Hi,
I have just installed the 06-Jul-2011 nightly. Played a movie & tried to exit just before the end, the movie kept playing but the main menu appeared with movie in back ground. Pushed the menu button a number of times and movie displayed correctly again. From then I could only pause or play the movie, i.e. I could not exit the movie.


Happens (& happened) to me too, sometimes, when i hold on the Menu button and the little dark box is angry.
ATV is a female i believe Rolleyes
You then have to exit Xbmc and come back again. Hopefully it doesn't crash or corrupt anything.
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[old] Unofficial semi-nightly build FAQ/info/issues (here for archival purposes)2