PVR API changes (add-on authors: read this!)
Right, let's get this thread going again. The following things have been changed in pvr api version 1.9.5:

PVR_RECORDING struct has a new field, which can be used to link EPG tags to recordings.
PHP Code:
unsigned int iEpgEventId/*!< @brief (optional) EPG event id associated with this recording */ 
this field replaces the strRecordingId field in the EPG_TAG struct.

Setting this ID from the add-on will allow users to play a recording from the timeline and from the channels window.

libXBMC_gui.h has been replaced by libKODI_guilib.h, and all member names have been changed to match the new name.
For the add-ons not using any of this: change the name of the included file, and change XBMC_GUI_API_VERSION to KODI_GUILIB_API_VERSION, and XBMC_GUI_MIN_API_VERSION to KODI_GUILIB_MIN_API_VERSION in your code.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-03-27, 23:17
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-03-28, 23:55
[No subject] - by margro - 2011-03-29, 20:30
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-03-29, 21:46
[No subject] - by CrashX - 2011-03-29, 21:55
[No subject] - by quintesse - 2011-03-30, 12:54
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-03-30, 13:10
[No subject] - by margro - 2011-03-30, 16:56
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-03-30, 17:53
[No subject] - by Red_F - 2011-04-02, 10:45
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-02, 13:28
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-02, 14:02
[No subject] - by CrashX - 2011-04-04, 22:40
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-05, 00:19
[No subject] - by CrashX - 2011-04-05, 07:45
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-05, 14:03
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-10, 13:37
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-12, 00:03
[No subject] - by danips - 2011-04-18, 16:16
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-18, 19:15
[No subject] - by danips - 2011-04-18, 21:11
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-04-18, 22:00
[No subject] - by javich - 2011-04-20, 06:42
[No subject] - by dubstar_04 - 2011-05-02, 18:25
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-05-02, 20:29
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2011-05-10, 20:56
[No subject] - by dteirney - 2011-05-29, 02:20
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2012-02-07, 21:10
[No subject] - by margro - 2012-02-07, 23:14
[No subject] - by opdenkamp - 2012-02-08, 00:25
RE: PVR API changes (add-on authors: read this!) - by opdenkamp - 2015-03-06, 22:53
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PVR API changes (add-on authors: read this!)0