EPG Guide
jurialmunkey, any way you could make the EPG Guide information area at the bottom a little larger, maybe an inch.

I'm starting to see show images there but they're all cut off about an inch. (half inch top and half inch)
Also my channel icons are cut off there.

: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734

Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
that would be the finishimg touch for me too
The scaling issue is fixed on latest git (and the box size should have more sensible padding from the edge now too). However, can't actually change the size of the epg window because I don't want to break my padding guidelines.

I'm toying with having information in the flag area for PVR, but not entirely sure what to display there just yet.
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(2015-08-14, 02:30)jurialmunkey Wrote: The scaling issue is fixed on latest git (and the box size should have more sensible padding from the edge now too). However, can't actually change the size of the epg window because I don't want to break my padding guidelines.

I'm toying with having information in the flag area for PVR, but not entirely sure what to display there just yet.

OK, no problem.

Thanks for what you were able to adjust.
: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734

Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
+ 1 for this. Channel logos appear chopped off and the programme description appears unreasonably small and could do with a slight extension to the size of the box.

Confirmed logo scaling fixed on the latest git (thanks for that).

It would be nice to have a bigger EPG, but no big deal.

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