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Possible to use Fanart Background in "Showcase View" ?
Hi everyone,

is it possible to use the fanart background with showcase-view (in movies section)? Under options Im able to select between "show-fanart" and "dark-showcase", so I would love to use the dark-showcase with fanart background of each movie instead of the static "home wallpaper".

I hope this is possible, cause this skin is just awesome - I love it.

greets from Germany,
akey83 Wrote:Hi everyone,

is it possible to use the fanart background with showcase-view (in movies section)? Under options Im able to select between "show-fanart" and "dark-showcase", so I would love to use the dark-showcase with fanart background of each movie instead of the static "home wallpaper".

I hope this is possible, cause this skin is just awesome - I love it.

greets from Germany,

For "Dark Showcase" it's already in the upper left. Having it in the small box and underneath would just be redundant...

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
mcborzu Wrote:For "Dark Showcase" it's already in the upper left. Having it in the small box and underneath would just be redundant...

I would like to have it in the small box (upper left) and in the Background. That means 1 big and 1 small fanart.
was just thinking of that, came here to see if there was any post about it already!
so any way to do it?

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Possible to use Fanart Background in "Showcase View" ?0