Win Webserver Not Working
You will have to create one. JSONrpc port.
Thanks so much kricker for trying to help me figure this out.

this is so frustrating that nothing seems to work. I was able to load that advanced settings xml (I think) but I had to put it in a different folder according to the log file since it wasn't looking in the userdata folder which the wiki referred to. However I still have the issue where the webserver isn't turned on when I reenter xbmc and I cant see the server from any device or even on my host pc.

here's my log file if you have a chance to look at it for errors.

according to my port list 9900 isn't being used but do you think it would make a difference if I tried other port numbers?
If you are using profiles, it should go in your profile directory. If you are running in portable mode, then your userdata folder is in the portable_data folder. If it is not loading from the userdata folder, there is something else wrong. That is where it goes.

Add this to your advanced setting file:

So it will read:

As for the PID of 4 for port 80, do you have Microsoft IIS installed?
I'm not using any profiles nor am I running in portable mode. When I first created the advancesettings file in the userdata folder I checked my log file and it indicated I didn't have an advancesettings file to load. And it indicated it was looking in the system folder and the master profile folder for this advancesettings file.

So I put a copy in the system folder, re ran XBMC, exited XBMC, loaded my log file and it shows the contents of my advancesettings file as if it found it. That's why I'm assuming it did load my advancesettings file and assigned port 9900 for jsonrpc.

As for Internet Information Server (IIS), I didn't even know what that was until I googled it so I don't think I'm using it lol. I'm just running a basic windows 8.1 64 bit os.

Okay I'll attach my new log file and you can see that my new advanced file is loading with all the extra debugging lines. I also loaded some addons since the last log file I posted. I also enabled webserver (again), opened an addon, played a movie, and then exited XBMC.

And still no luck getting webserver to stay on.
I can't view the log at the moment, but what port did you change the webserver to use since port 80 is being used?
I used 8876.
Hmmm. Well unfortunately I am out of ideas.

Does the webserver work while XBMC is running?

As for the advanced settings file, is below the user data path you tried it in?

No the webserver doesn't work when XBMC is running. I'm assuming you mean from my local machine and from a web browser by entering or similar. I wouldn't expect it to work if XBMC wasn't running.

No I actually put it in this userdata folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\userdata
I guess I misread the Kiki and should have not put it in the program files folder.

Thanks for trying to fix this and showing me how to do more checks and setups. Much appreciated
Sorry, I created this thread and got pulled away immediately after.

I am still unable to get my webserver running.

I have XBMC set to use port 8152 and that does not show up at all when I run: netstat -ao | find /i "listening"
It's bizarre but I still can't get it working either. Very frustrating. Hopefully it works when I install the new version of XBMC or kodi.
I've been using XBMC for at least 3 years. I guess I'll try Plex. Being able to communicate via webserver, being able to use the provided remote, and being able to update my library externally are important to me.
Did you try installing the new version of kodi yet to see if webserver works?
Unfortunately it is not easy to figure out. I have Kodi running on 3 systems. The webserver works on all of them. There are some known issues with the webserver and using mySQL causing some users crashes. Issues are being worked on. Unfortunately we have limited Windows developers.
Hi again Kricker. I'm thinking of installing the new kodi, do you have a good link to look at what are some of the big issues that are causing grief for some that switched to kodi that were working in Gotham? I'm trying to determine what other issues I may have to live with if I install the new kodi and at least get the webserver working.

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