
What do you think of Apple TV's new OS/UI?

The animations look super slick, and I believe the addition of a touch remote and voice control are fantastic new features. However the UI hasn't convinced me yet. It's way too bright and dense with content. I feel like it might be too feature packed, somewhat like Apple Music, which feels a little weird to use on the phone.
Never liked any IOS/OSX/ATV interface to be honest. This one doesnt look that bad since it is more close to the Android TV interface. The only things I liked about it are the blur effects and the fact it seems it has special crafted art for movies and shows. At least, since the plot is on top of the fanart with almost 100% transparency they look specially made for the ATV. Hope we can grab them if thats the case.
Also liked the mlb app .
Looks wise, the media information dialog was beautiful. And, as it could be recreated relatively easily in Kodi if only the skinning engine supported blurred images, it's another reason that I hope someone looks into implementing that in core at some point in the future Smile

The rest of it was exactly what I expected - a lighter version of what I found back when I used my Apple TV v3 to be a not-particularly great UI. In particular, though fully understandable given the nature of Apple and the device - the brightness and central-ness of the add-ons is far too much for my taste.

The one interesting thing, from a skinning possibility, was the media filtering. Ignoring the Siri integration, first off it's far faster than my experience of Kodi's filtering. More importantly, it didn't require opening a dialog to set filtering, exiting out of that dialog to view all the results that have been returned, then re-opening the dialog to filter further. The possibility of combining the filtering options into the video/music library windows - so that the additional dialog doesn't have to be closed then re-opened to filter further - is an interesting one, but I presume would need core changes...?
(2015-09-11, 22:15)BobCratchett Wrote: The one interesting thing, from a skinning possibility, was the media filtering. Ignoring the Siri integration, first off it's far faster than my experience of Kodi's filtering. More importantly, it didn't require opening a dialog to set filtering, exiting out of that dialog to view all the results that have been returned, then re-opening the dialog to filter further. The possibility of combining the filtering options into the video/music library windows - so that the additional dialog doesn't have to be closed then re-opened to filter further - is an interesting one, but I presume would need core changes...?

I think this could be done with some creative skinning to make it look like the filtering dialog was part of the library window. The main problem is the slider controls as they prevent left/right navigation so the filter dialog has to be a vertical grouplist. Without the slider controls it would be very easy to have the filter controls run across the bottom/top of a viewtype so that you could see the window whilst filtering.

** edit ** - I take that back. Just did a few tests in Eminence 2 and even without the slider controls, its doesnt seem possible to have a horizontal filter grouplist as the button controls seemingly ignore <width> tags
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I'm more interested in the remote than the UI.

As for the UI, apart from some nifty animations - and I wonder how many exist outside of the super slick video 'representation' - I'm pretty disappointed with it so far to be honest. That said, given there's about 0.5seconds worth of it in this video, so i'll reserve judgement for now.

"Siri, show me comedies with Jason Bateman". Please bring me my meds, i've had enough.
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