Bande Verte Vidéo (Green band on video)
Bonjour, quand je lance un film j'ai une bande verte en bas qui apparait pendant toutes la vidéo, comment l'enlever (hormis en zooman) merci 

edit: Translation by moderator: - "Hello, when I start a movie I have a green band at the bottom that appears during all the video, how to remove it (except by zooming) thank you"
@tonylillo  Welcome - We are an English Language forum only. Please write in English. If required please use a service such as Google Translate.

I have added a translation for you on this occassion.

As for your issue, you need to provide actual details to get any meaningful support. Ideally this will include a full Debug Log (see instructions) but you can start by giving a bit of information about the movie you are playing.

Where is it stored / coming from? Local storage or an addon?

As you are new please refer to the Forum Rules and the section on Banned Add-ons (wiki) and make sure your issue is within the rules of this forum to discuss and support.
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As stated above - the forum language is English only please.
If you need help from sites like Google Translate, that's fine.
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Bande Verte Vidéo (Green band on video)0