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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
(2023-12-27, 08:30)pepperfreez Wrote: Hiya! New to the forum. Trying to add this add-on to a Mac mini M1 on Kodi v21. I have the mapping correct but it does not seem to want to open Steam at all. Any help would be appreciated.

This has only been tested on an intel hackintosh, and a very long time ago at that. Sorry, but you're own your own with working it out on a mac.
(2024-01-05, 18:58)alto Wrote: I'm trying to add the repo to Kodi 20.2 on Linux but the URL https://github.com/teeedubb/teeedubb-xbm...y.teeedubb doesn't work.
I get an error message saying "Couldn't retrieve directory information. This could be due to the network not being connected".

Is this URL not the correct one for adding the repo?

You need to download the zip file from that address and install it inside kodi
(2024-02-04, 20:04)ashlar Wrote: Anyone running this on Omega?

I have tried on windows and it works without issue
Quote:Add ability to set custom window titles in windows as steam uses locale dependent window title naming
Clarify when compiling the ahk script is required in readme.txt
Only show to option to select between the steam and steamlink apps on android
Force conversion of line endings to unix style in steam-launcher.sh
Hi, tried installing the Steam Add-On to Kodi 20.4 on a fresh Nobora machine. The installation works without issue but when I run the Add-On there is an error pop-up directing me to the kodi log file. However, Kodi does not create any logfile on this occasion. Do you have any idea what I can do?
(2024-02-28, 16:18)acro_nox Wrote: Kodi does not create any logfile on this occasion

Kodi always creates a log unless you manually disabled it somehow from advancedsettings.xml

see Debug Log for instructions
Ok I found the File Manager Method in your link, this gave me the following log: https://paste.kodi.tv/buwewozoxo.kodi
There is nothing in that log file about running the add-on. Also, make sure you have debug logging turned on - instructions are in the first post.
My bad, with Debug mode enabled I get the following log: https://paste.kodi.tv/rixesabora.kodi
ERROR: Minimised Kodi enabled and system program "xdotool" not present, install it via you system package manager. Xdotool is required to minimise Kodi.
Odd, I definetely have Xdotool installed. My terminal output for command xdotool:
Usage: xdotool <cmd> <args>
Available commands:
Looks like your running kodi as a Flatpack? Might be related to the containerisation from being a Flatpack? Might be a setting that allows you to pass applications through to the Flatpack? Sorry I've got no experience running kodi as a Flatpack and usually avoid using them for reasons like this.
According to my research Nobora uses Wayland as default, which does not support xdotool. So To support Wayland the Add-On would have to utilize something like ydotool or other alternatives.
(2024-03-03, 12:02)teeedubb Wrote: Looks like your running kodi as a Flatpack? Might be related to the containerisation from being a Flatpack? Might be a setting that allows you to pass applications through to the Flatpack? Sorry I've got no experience running kodi as a Flatpack and usually avoid using them for reasons like this.

Sorry for double post, did not see your reply. Initially I used a Flatpack, but reinstalled properly afterwards since somewhere before in this thread someone had a problem with Flatpack. Did not work anyway, see my post above.
Thanks for the info - I was not aware that xdtool did not work with wayland.
I'll look into it when I get a chance, but I can't give you an ETA.
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7