I don't think I even qualify as a newbie - Question
Because I can't get XBMC running!

Well, thats not completely true, I got XBMC Live working off a USB stick...

But here is my problem. I really liked what I saw with my live version and thought I would install it. I have gone through the installation process and when I attempt start XBMC I get the following error:


Any advice is appreciated greatly!
That's usually a problem with the video. We need to see a debug log, but because XBMC won't start you'll have to turn on debug logging by creating a config file. Press Windows-R and in the Run dialog type:

notepad "%appdata%\xbmc\userdata\advancedsettings.xml"

and click OK. If you're prompted to create a new file answer Yes. Now copy and paste the following into Notepad then close Notepad and save the changes.


Now start XBMC and wait for it to crash. Press Windows-R again and in the Run dialog type:


and click OK, and the log should open in Notepad. Copy and paste the log into pastebin.com and post the link here.

Wow JR, thanks for the quick reply! I appreciate the help!

I did what you said and here is the result at pastebin.com


Thanks again!
Looks to me as if you missed to setup proper gfx card drivers.
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or you are starting it within a Remote Desktop Session
I can't imagine how it could be a Remote Desktop session, I have never done that before.

Maybe it is the graphic card drivers. I have a new Acer AspireRevo. I just reinstalled Win7 to clear the bloatware that it shipped with.

LittleFatMan Wrote:I can't imagine how it could be a Remote Desktop session, I have never done that before.

Maybe it is the graphic card drivers. I have a new Acer AspireRevo. I just reinstalled Win7 to clear the bloatware that it shipped with.

Note the log entry:

NOTICE: Found screen: Generic PnP Monitor on Standard VGA Graphics Adapter, adapter 0.

"Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" is the default video driver that Windows uses when it doesn't have a suitable driver built in. XBMC won't work with this driver. You need to grab the correct video driver from the Acer web site. If it isn't obvious what the correct driver is, post the model number (3700?) of your Revo here and I can point you to the correct driver.

Yes, you just need to go to Acer's site and grab the drivers (ALL you see honestly is recommended) from choosing your model. It's using a generic driver currently which doesn't support much other then showing you a display JUST to function. That SHOULD(99%^) fix your issue.
Yes, I have the Acer AspireRevo 3700. I have purchased this nettop in Japan, does that make much of a difference? thanks!
btw is there a way I can post that I have an Acer AspireRevo in my profile so that, in the future, other users will be aware of that when I post a question?
If you go to http://www.acer.co.uk/ac/en/GB/content/drivers, or the similar page for your country, you need to select Desktop, then Aspire, then Aspire R3700 and you'll see a list of drivers. You need the driver labelled "VGA" i.e. VGA_NVIDIA_8.17.11.9666_W7x86_A.zip. You might also need the Audio driver Audio_Realtek_6.0.1.6101_W7x86W7x64_A.zip to get audio working through the HDMI cable. I can't remember if I had to install this or not.

Actually I would download and install all the drivers. It will do no harm and will guarantee everything works.

If you want to use audio through the HDMI cable I think you have to go into Control Panel/Sounds and select the audio output device, as the default is the headphone socket.

Hi JR,

Thanks for all the help!

I have tried to get on the Acer website, via the link you have provided and navigating through their mainpages, but the site seems to be down. I get a message saying "Acer Websites - Currently Out of Service".

Am I the only one seeing this?
Are there any other places that I can get the needed drivers?

Much obliged!
The website works for me, but u can download nvidia drivers from Nvidia website Smile. They are newer version then the one from acer and since they use unified driver architecture, which means the drivers work for all their cards, u should have no problem downloading, installing and using them.
excellent!! thanks Japaja, i will give the nvidia site a try!
sorry to be so fussy, but I want to be sure I am getting the correct driver.

I downloaded this:


from the Nvidia site as I have an Ion processor in my Acer AspireRevo 3700 and run Win 7 64 bit in English.

correct, yes?

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I don't think I even qualify as a newbie - Question0