New script "flexibrowser"
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hi everybody,
i was creating a script for team xbox game trailers/movies and thought:

"why do i have to clone the aqtbrowser over and over again.
wouldn't it be nice to seperate the gui part from the webpage parsing part?
so anybody can quickly create new browsers for new webpages?"


so i decided to create a script with some kind of plug-ins in which you can browse the scripts in a filemanager-like fashion.

the script comes with some ready to go plug-ins including:
- team xbox gametrailers / movies (they have tons of xbox movies)
- channel9 (microsoft behind the scenes)
- gamespot (cloned from
- alpha centauri (cloned from

these plug-ins also serve as samples on how to create your own plug-ins, which is quite easy since you basically only need to do the regex parsing.
see "" on instructions how to create your own plug-ins.

it has download support (press x to toggle)

comments and contributions (plug-ins and also on the gui side) are very welcome.

you can grab it at

please make sure you extract the zip including its folder structure! you should have a subfolder flexibrowser in scripts-folder.

have fun
why not send it to
where you can upload it yourself.
you can send it to me, i will upload it on my (french) website :
dotspf has put it on his site!

thanks :bowdown:

i've registred there but the site doesn't allow me to upload anything. after loggin in, clicking on "submit content" (just as told in the faq) the webserver (not the mambo scripts) asks me for a login. tried my username and pw, but it doesn't work.
i'll try again tomorrow.

your mail address isn't listed in your profile. tell me where to send my script to and i will do it.
i just canceled that dialog and was able to proceed relatively fine... though the text edit box doesnt work in firefox...

also do not cancel after you upload the file.
it is ok bernd !
i got it here. i will test it as soon as possible !
i'm on my script right now : mycalendar, it is about to be finished for a public version Smile
why not submit this to scriptrunner, that way people can more easily get hold of it.
the scriptrunner guy (threezone) hasnt updated the database in a while and has been missing from the forums since late february Undecided

it would be great if we could combine scriptrunner and

i really like the idea behind flexibrowser though.... are there any ideas for other sites which there should be flexibrowser plugins for?
thanks asteron.

the next plug-ins on my personal wishlist are plug-in versions of gamespotplus, aqt and ifilm.
these are the scripts i personally use the most. all these are also very flexibrowser-suitable.

when these plug-ins will be available is just a question of spare time.

i would really apreciate it if some other pythonists would create plus-ins.
maybe i should create a howto thread in the python developers forum.
edit*: howto thread can be found here

the basic idea behind flexibrowser was to create an open source like script:
everyone can contribute. all will benefit. :d
it would be great if the greatest scripting minds on the board could come up with a standard framework (as the idea of flexibrowser suggests) and then the entire community can try to "enforce" (through peer pressure) script writers to use that framework.

this 'should' create a standard that will make things easier to develop to as well as use for end-users.

I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
i've created a new plug-in for ebaumsworld

current plug-ins:
-ebaumsworld (new! lots of hillarious movies)
-team xbox

i can't seem to figure out how to cache insteas of downloading the whole file first.

i have tried change the 0 to 1 in the line below:

self.downloadandplay = 0 # play direct or download before play

but that didn't do me any good, is it possible ??

press the x button on the controller.
this will toggle stream/download.

if flexibrowser is in download-mode if you will see an '*' at the start of the path on the top of the screen.

it should default to stream when the script starts.

only the teamxbox plug-in will always download, since when i created that plug-in xbmc had problem playing the videos directly from the teamxbox site.

thanx, that did the trick ;o)

i'd really like to see a script for the site uses xml pretty heavily, so it should be a rather simple task compared to many other sites.

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