Access Dropox through XBMC for media files.
I think this would be very nice. Accessing all your pics, movies and music files in Dropbox from XBMC.

For you who don't know what Dropbox is it's a cloud saving program that gives you your own personal space (starting at 2GB). You can access your files from anywhere including your Android or iPhone.
We know what dropbox is. Please don't use referral links on the forums.
Tobby Wrote:I think this would be very nice. Accessing all your pics, movies and music files in Dropbox from XBMC.

For you who don't know what Dropbox is it's a cloud saving program that gives you your own personal space (starting at 2GB). You can access your files from anywhere including your Android or iPhone.

Here's a link. I'm not gonna lie. If you register from my link I do get extra space, but you do too compared to goin straight to the website and register.
Hello Copyright Infringement lawsuit.
BigBadBaz Wrote:Shocked
Hello Copyright Infringement lawsuit.
Obviously your own personal movies and music that you created yourself. Silly you. Eek

Ned Scott: Got it.

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Access Dropox through XBMC for media files.0