Commercial Skip integration
it would be nice to see automatic commercial detection in the upcoming eden release.. comskip is the best thing i have ever used for commercial detection and im sure a lot of people would love to see this in XBMC !! Please Big GrinNerd
...You have commercials in your shows? Where are you getting your shows that you still have commercials? If you're ripping them yourself, there shouldn't be any. If you're downloading them from the internet, you shouldn't have any. If you're recording them via a tuner of some sort, the software that is doing the recording should be able to rip the commercials out anyway.
It sounds like it would be easier to just run comskip on the files before adding them to XBMC. I guess the feature being built-in somehow might be nice for when PVR support is added, but at the same time it's something the PVR backend should probably handle.

I could see some kind of add-on allowing you to run comskip from XBMC. A kind of "video cleaner" thing where it would look at a certain file or all new files and apply comskip or something similar when nessesary, all from the XBMC interface (or set up automatically).
This is supported for at least 2 years now. See for more information.
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YodaEXE Wrote:...You have commercials in your shows? Where are you getting your shows that you still have commercials? If you're ripping them yourself, there shouldn't be any. If you're downloading them from the internet, you shouldn't have any. If you're recording them via a tuner of some sort, the software that is doing the recording should be able to rip the commercials out anyway.

im talking about tv recordings man,my downloaded shows dont have commercials Wink

@vdrfan thanks !! i must have overlooked this Laugh
True, I wasn't sure at first and tried it. As long as you run the shows through comskip (after you record them I guess) XBMC will play them commercial free. Using it now with MediaPortal and a pre-Eden PVR on OpenELEC. Dharma clients use the recordings directory too and playback is fine, meaning no commercials.
vdrfan Wrote:This is supported for at least 2 years now. See for more information.

No, he's talking about detection of commercials and skipping them on the fly during playback.
vdrfan Wrote:This is supported for at least 2 years now. See for more information.

I've read the wiki, but I don't see where I tell XBMC to read the .txt files so that it skips. I have a TV show that's been recorded, and a .txt file with the commercial stop/start points (comskip-type format from mythicalLibrarian) which is named the same as the TV Show with .mpg replaced by .txt.

XBMC appears to completely ignore the list of commercial stop/start times. What do I have to do for it to recognize them?

They need to be in the edl format.
TugboatBill Wrote:They need to be in the edl format.

From the wiki:
Quote:XBMC Media Center is able to read edit decision lists from multiple file formats. The EDL file for a video must be in the same folder as the video file and is looked for based on the file extensions for the supported formats.

For example if the video file is called The Matrix.avi XBMC will look for the following files, in order, until a valid file is found. Note the the file name may be case-sensitive based on the operating system being used.
The Matrix.Vprj (VideoReDo)
The Matrix.edl (MPlayer EDL)
The Matrix.txt (Comskip)
The Matrix.avi.chapters.xml (SnapStream BeyondTV)
Comskip files are supported. The name of the file must be the same as the video but with a file extension of .txt.
The file contains the start and end frame numbers for the commercial breaks that were detected. The Comskip file may or may not contain the frame rate. If the frame rate is not found, the detected frame rate of the video is used to convert from the frame numbers to time offsets.
The version 1 file format is:
[start frame] [end frame]

This is exactly what I have. XBMC (I'm running 10.1) doesn't appear to take notice of the file.

Any suggestions?
TugboatBill Wrote:They need to be in the edl format.

By the way, I also tried copying the info from the .txt file to a .edl file and editing it to cut out commercials:

#25788 #32599 0
#56939 #58797 0
#70758 #77978 0
#91950 #97638 0

I tried using both code 0 (for cut) and code 3 (for commercial break) - neither one worked.
From the wiki:
Quote:The Matrix.avi.chapters.xml (SnapStream BeyondTV)
I've got shows recorded from BeyondTV with properly-named xml files in the same directory as the show. Commercials don't skip... Why not?

If you´re using a network share it should be a SMB share.


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Commercial Skip integration0