Start and stop ssh tunnel in the gui
I don't know if this is the best forum to ask this in, but I'd like to know the best way to enable and disable an ssh tunnel that I establish through putty.
I guess I can make a shortcut for putty that automatically logs in, that is the easy part. But how can I easily enable this (and disable it later) from XBMC?
You can run Windows programs from XBMC. There are various ways of doing this, and the ideal method depends on what you're trying to do. Do you just have to run putty once to establish the VPN, or does it have to start then stay running while the VPN remains active?

It has to stay running until I no longer need it. I know there is several plugins that launch programs, but I was hoping there would be a nicer 'direct from the skin' way. Also, it needs to be in the background an I need to be able to exit again with the press of a button. These last two things are a bit harder I think.

I'm thinking now that maybe I could do these with a python script?
I have realised that I probably need socks proxy support anyway and some way to change the xbmc settings back and forth through the python api. Since it appears both are not in and won't be implemented, I doubt this will ever become a reality Sad
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Start and stop ssh tunnel in the gui0