Feature difference between DVD player vs PA Player
I am trying to find the features difference between DVD player and PAP player.

I have a bunch of 5.1 Vorbis audio files. But the PAP player is mixing up the channels and sending the center channel to the right channel. So the options are either I have to switch the default player to DVD PLAYER or use Audacity to re-map the channels, which obviously is lot of work.

So I am trying to understand what feature or functionality I will miss if I don't use the PAP player.

Thanks in advance
In the past, I had some issues with audio stopping or cutting out during playback of music with both .mp3 & .m4a files. I changed my default music player to DVDPlayer and the problem went away. As far as differences between the two, I think PAPlayer currently handles things like cross-fading, etc. Here is some info:



Thanks, I am going to stick with DVDPlayer

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Feature difference between DVD player vs PA Player0