[XBMCbuntu] Intel HD Graphics with i965-va-driver
After I installed XBMCbuntu, I tried a h264 video and got 50-70% CPU usage. Then I installed the i965-va-driver and saw my CPU usage drop to 10% or so but now I have a huge amount of frame drops! I know that compiz has this problem too (see: http://doityourselfhtpc.wordpress.com/20...-and-xbmc/) but I don't know any setting in XBMbuntu (or openbox) that could cause the problem.

I have a Core i5 M560 (2.67GHz, arrandale) w/ Integrated Graphics.

Any ideas on what causes the frame drops? Maybe a conformation?


PS: I love the idea behind XBMCbuntu! Keep 'm coming!

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[XBMCbuntu] Intel HD Graphics with i965-va-driver0