Got NFS working, any point for upnp or dlna?
I have a netgear wndr3700 router flashed with OpenWRT. I configured NFS and I have hung a USB hub off of the router with 3 3Tb Seagate usb drives attached to the hub. The router is also running Samba 3.6 for smb.

After much struggle, works great.

Most of my struggle involved upnp and dlna, thinking that they might enhance my xbmc enjoyment. Never did get it working well (or at all really).

My question, is there any point or compelling reason to try and get upnp and/or dnla working? NFS seems to be all that I need.
Well, uPnP can't use the xbmc library, so that's enough reason right there to stick with nfs, IMHO.

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Got NFS working, any point for upnp or dlna?0