anyone has this issue by after a while the xbmc to turn off?
if i leave the xbmc on after 5-10 minutes ,the xbmc shuts down,and it goes to the atv2 main apple screen!

anyone has the same problem as me?

I don't have an ATV2, so I can't address any specific issue that may be unique to that platform; however, you should first check your XBMC power saving settings (under system settings) to be sure the "Shutdown function timer" is set to "0" so that XBMC doesn't quit/shutdown after a specified period of idleness.

timer is set at "off"

you think maybe a addon will do that?

i notice that a plugin " TV Catchup Plugin" is updating all the time off and on...

hmmm,maybe this one will make it restart,i disable it to see what happens.


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anyone has this issue by after a while the xbmc to turn off?0