iOS 5.x status wrt XBMC
Hi guys,

I am happily using iOS 4.2.2 and XBMC stable on my atv2. I do notice some strange behavior with Home sharing from my mac and I am considering an upgrade to 5.x (whatever is newest). I read about performance issues for XBMC etc, is this already solved? Should I keep atv at 4.2.2? I do not use netflix or hulu (i am in europe).

I don't think you want to go to the very newest, as there is no jailbreak for that yet. Check out firecore's pages on Seas0nPass to make sure ( )

As far as performance goes, the most noticeable issue that I saw was with stylized subs, and that has been fixed in nightly (wiki) and monthly builds (wiki). So yeah, if you need any fixes that Apple might have made, go for it.

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iOS 5.x status wrt XBMC0