Favourites in Aeon MQ4
Really sorry if the solution for this is posted elsewhere - I have searched but all I can find are other people with the same issue and no solution.

I'm trying to add a new Main Menu item or sub menu item to Movies for Favourites. So that when I bring up the context menu on a movie and Add to Favourites it will be added to this item.

In Transparency you can have a main menu item called favourites and it does exactly this - show any movies that have been added to favourites. Unfortunately, the last time I used it (don't know if it's changed) it just showed a simple list, you could play any of the movies from it, but couldn't get further information, plot etc... Ideally, I would prefer that the look was the same as normal when browsing movies - but just a list of your current favourites.

Anyway, I can't seem to find a way of adding this to Aeon MQ4 but would greatly like this feature. If anyone can help me it would be appreciated?

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Favourites in Aeon MQ40